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This is a blog to chronicle the monthly Tuesday Technology Talks that happen the first Tuesday of the month at Princeton Public Library in Princeton, NJ. Information about upcoming talks and much more will be included.
Essentially, in this session of DataBytes we will be examining this list and I will be highlighting a dozen or so of these sites and. This list of reference sites by RUSA/MARS is a great place to find databases for all types of reference needs, and includes everything from comics to food to government statistics and more.
I will also include a few that are not on the list -- these are sites that I have found via serendipity, reviews and also by using the Librarians' Internet Index (http://lii.org ). I consider the Librarians' Internet Index to be a great reference tool in and of itself due to the fact that they catalog a lot of databases and only sites that have been reviewed by librarians are included.
So, without further ado, here is the list of what we ended up exploring at each session:Sites Demonstrated:
FoodSafety.gov http://www.foodsafety.gov/
Population Reference Bureau http://www.prb.org
Acronym Finder: The Acronym and Abbreviation Dictionary http://www.acronymfinder.com
Internet Movie Database http://imdb.com
All-Music Guide http://www.allmusic.com
Hoaxbusters vs. Snopes
Anyone who wishes to see the presentation [which I wasn’t actually able to give, but it all worked out] can go to http://ghost.rider.edu/openlearning and log in as a guest, then visit the Top25 Firefox Extensions course in the course list. There are lots of other resources there you can peruse if you like, too.
Web browser is the subject of April 3 edition of Tuesday Technology Talks
featuring John LeMansey of Rider University
Mozilla’s popular Firefox Web browser will be the subject of April program in the Tuesday Technology Talks Series on April 3 at 7 p.m., when John LeMansey of Rider University presents a program titled “Extending Firefox.”
“As the popularity of Firefox continues to grow, so, too, do the ways in which it can be expanded,” said Janie Herman, programming coordinator at the library and founder of the Tuesday Technology Talks series. “John will demonstrate for our audience the best 25 free extensions and add-ons for Firefox.
LeMansey, who presented a program on open source software at the library last November, is manager of Instructional Technology at Rider and the technology consultant for the Center for Innovative Instruction. The center is part of the Teaching and Learning Center at Rider.
Hermann noted that Firefox, a freely available web browser that is released under an open source license and can be extended with hundreds of free add-ons, is quickly changing the way people think about and use the Internet.
The monthly sessions of the library’s popular Tuesday Technology Talks series feature demonstrations and discussions of new and emerging technologies and related issues. The series continues on Tuesday, May 1 at 7 p.m., when the library’s technology team hosts an open mic night.
All Princeton Public Library programs are free and open to the public. If programs require registration, preference is given to library cardholders. The physically challenged should contact the library at (609) 924-9529 48 hours before any program with questions about special accommodations.
The library is in the Sands Library Building at 65 Witherspoon St. in Princeton Borough. Convenient parking is available on neighboring streets and in the borough-operated Spring Street Garage, which is adjacent to the library. For more information about library programs and services, call (609) 924-9529 or visit www.princetonlibrary.org
Zuula is a new metasearch engine, and it's based right here in Princeton. What's more, Zuula has some special features that have been attracting a lot of attention in the world of search engines. During this session of Tuesday Technology Talks, Zuula's CEO will describe the history of Zuula, including the challenges it has faced during development and since its launch. He also will demonstrate the various features of the search engine, and compare Zuula to other leading metasearch sites. Finally, the session will end with a discussion of features and functionality planned for Zuula's future.